
How To Use Essential 3d Camera

In Photoshop CS6, 3D functionality was part of Photoshop Extended. All features in Photoshop Extended are part of Photoshop. Photoshop does not have a separate Extended offering.

Sympathise and display 3D files

Photoshop lets you lot position and animate 3D models, edit textures and lighting, and choose from several render modes.

3D files consist of the following components:


Provide the underlying construction of a 3D model. A mesh is often visualized as a wireframe, a skeletal structure congenital from thousands of private polygons. A 3D model ever has at least one mesh, and may combine multiple meshes. In Photoshop yous tin view meshes in a variety of render modes, and manipulate meshes independently of each other. While you lot can't change the actual polygons in a mesh, you can change its orientation and transform information technology past scaling along different axes. Y'all can also create your own 3D meshes, using pre-supplied shapes or by converting existing 2D layers. See 3D Mesh settings.

To edit the polygon mesh of the 3D model itself, you must use a 3D authoring program.


A mesh tin can take ane or more materials associated with it, which control the appearance of all or part of the mesh. The material in turn relies on subcomponents called texture maps, whose cumulative effect creates the appearance of a textile. The texture map itself is a 2D image file that creates various qualities such as color, pattern, shininess, or bumpiness. A Photoshop material tin can use up to ix different texture map types to define its overall appearance. Run into 3D Materials settings.


Types include Space, Spot, Bespeak lights, as well as Epitome-based lights that wrap around a scene. You lot tin can move and conform color and intensity of existing lights, and add new lights to your 3D scene. Run across 3D Lights settings.

Photoshop can open the following 3D formats: DAE (Collada), OBJ, 3DS, U3D, and KMZ (Google Globe).

3D performance and display preferences

The 3D object and photographic camera tools become active when a 3D layer is selected. Use the 3D object tools to modify the position or scale of a 3D model; use the 3D photographic camera tools to change the view of the scene. If your system supports OpenGL, yous tin can also utilize the 3D Axis to manipulate 3D models and cameras. Run into Using the 3D Axis.

You lot can use the 3D object tools to rotate, reposition, or scale a model. While you manipulate the 3D model, the camera view remains stock-still.

For tips near each 3D tool, choose panel Options from the Info panel menu , and select Show Tool Hints. Click a tool, then motility the cursor into the prototype window to view tool details in the Info Panel.

Click the Return To Initial Position icon in the options bar to return the model to its initial view.

To numerically suit position, rotation, or scaling, enter values on the right side of the options bar.

Use the 3D camera tools to move the camera view while leaving the position of the 3D object stock-still.

For tips about each 3D tool, choose Panel Options from the Info panel menu, and select Show Tool Hints. Click a tool, then motion the cursor into the image window to view tool details in the Info panel.

In the options bar, numeric values show the 10, y, and z position of the 3D camera. You tin too edit these values manually to adapt the photographic camera view.

Alter or create 3D camera views

The 3D Axis shows the electric current X, Y, and Z-axis orientation of models, cameras, lights, and meshes in 3D space. It appears when you select any 3D tool, providing an alternative way to manipulate the selected item.

OpenGL must exist enabled to display the 3D Axis.

  • Choose View > Evidence > 3D Axis.

Minimize, restore, move, or resize the 3D Axis

Motility, rotate, or calibration selected items with the 3D Axis

To use the 3D Centrality, movement the mouse pointer over an axis control to highlight information technology, and and so elevate as follows:

Available axis controls vary depending upon the current editing mode (object, camera, mesh, or light).

  • To motility the selected item along the X, Y, or Z-axis, highlight the conical tip of whatever axis. Drag in either direction along the centrality.

  • To rotate the item, click the curved rotation segment only inside an axis tip. A yellow circle appears showing the rotation plane. Drag in a clockwise or counterclockwise circle effectually the 3D Axis center. To rotate more gradually, move the mouse farther abroad from the center of the 3D Axis.

  • To resize the item, elevate the heart cube in the 3D Axis upwardly or downwardly.

  • To compress or elongate the particular forth an axis, drag one of the colored transform cubes either toward or away from the centre cube.

  • To constrain movement to an object plane, move the mouse pointer into the expanse where ii axes intersect, most the center cube. A yellow plane icon appears between two axes. Drag in any direction. Yous can also movement the pointer over the lower office of the center cube to actuate the aeroplane icon.


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