
How To Get Rid Of Ghost Followers On Tumblr

Is there a way to mass delete followers on instagram?

Considering Instagram is quite a popular social media platform at the moment, most of the time people are happy when they get new followers. However, there are cases when Instagram users want to get rid of some followers for various reasons. We all know that you can follow or unfollow anyone at any time, but not many know how to delete followers on Instagram in bulk.


The issue is that you can't actually delete all people from your followers list at once. You can't make them unfollow you either. The only solutions to clean up your fanbase include removing followers one by one, blocking them one at a time, or using software tools specifically designed for this task.

There are many reasons why influencers, businesses, brands, or average people would want to find out how to delete followers on Instagram in bulk. Some of them purchased part of their "following" in the past, considering this was common practice a few years ago. Now, they just want to remove "ghost" accounts. Others simply feel like cleaning up their account to showcase their content to fewer people. Some just realized quite a few of their followers have different interests or are not on Instagram anymore.

For those who don't know, ghost followers are Instagram accounts created solely for the purpose of other users. They do not pertain to a real person, do not actively engage in user activities such as liking, commenting or sharing posts. These accounts are usually set up by bots that use multiple proxies for mass account creation.


In order to decrease your follower count and get rid of unwanted followers, you can remove them one by one. To do so:

  • go to your Instagram page;
  • tap your followers list;
  • go to the contact you want to remove;
  • tap the three dots on the right side;
  • click remove.

If you want to block followers so that they are not able to follow you back in the future, here are the basic steps to do it:

  • go to your Instagram page;
  • click on your followers list;
  • tap on the follower you want to block;
  • tap the three dots in the far right corner;
  • click the "block" option in the list;
  • confirm your choice and you're done.

Instagram won't notify the users that you deleted them from your followers list. They won't be aware they have been blocked. Deleted/blocked followers will not see your photos or videos in their news feed anymore. Your profile won't show up in their search results if they try looking for you.


As previously mentioned, one cannot remove groups or all their followers on Instagram at the same time using the official application. For users who have thousands of followers they want to get rid of, removing or blocking them one by one is a really tedious and tiresome job to do. Luckily, for those looking for answers to how to delete followers on Instagram in bulk, there are some third-party tools that can lend a helping hand.

The following tools allow users to delete people from their followers list either all at once or in groups.


Cleaner for IG is a very useful tool for those who want to know how to delete followers on Instagram in bulk. It is developed by Novasoft Cloud Services and can help you clean up your Instagram followers list. Using this tool, you can bulk unfollow users, detect and remove ghost or inactive followers, bulk block/unblock users, mass delete posts, and unlike previously liked photos or videos.

It also comes with Cloud automatic execution and Night Mode, besides a Whitelist Manager and activity statistics. The app can be downloaded free of charge but offers in-app purchases. If you want extra options, you can upgrade to the Pro version.


Mass Delete for Instagram — Unfollow Followers is a free application designed for iOS by Guo Chao. It is available in English and Chinese languages. When you log in with your Instagram account, the app shows you all the people that you follow and those following you and will allow you delete them. However there is a set cap for how many people you can select at one. This means you can only delete 50 followers at once to avoid flagging Instagram. You can come back later and delete 50 more.


GramBoard is one of the best Instagram account management tools available on the market at the moment. It works wonders for those who want to grow their Instagram account and those marketing on the social platform. From a single easy-to-use interface, it allows you to manage multiple Instagram accounts.

Though it doesn't have a feature to let you mass delete followers, you can do a lot of other things like follow, unfollow, like and comment on posts. Also, you can automate the filtering of users who can engage with your content based on likes, comments, number of followers, etc. Additionally, you can blacklist all the interactions for particular hashtags, locations, and usernames.


Follow Cop is another free Instagram management tool that lets you mass delete ghost followers. The app allows you to detect your real followers, fans, unfollowers, and ghost followers. Besides identifying fake accounts in order to be able to delete them you can unfollow inactive profiles or even make a massive unfollow with a single click.


My Ghost Followers is the perfect tool for iPhone users who are looking for solutions on how to delete Instagram followers in bulk. It is an analytic app that does what it promises. It allows users to determine the number of inactive followers they have and get rid of them. Besides weeding out ghost accounts, the app is also useful to get more real followers.

Originally Published On: Gramboard

About The Author

CEO at Socioboard Technologies, Founder/CEO at Globussoft. A Renowned Performance marketer, User Acquisition Expert & An Acclaimed Speaker In Masterminds.

How To Get Rid Of Ghost Followers On Tumblr


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