
Old T Mobile Slide Phones

John Sciulli / WireImage

Before Apple took over the world with the iPhone, there was the RAZR, the Sidekick, the BlackBerry Curve ... you get the idea. In the early 2000s, a new phone basically dominated the market every year. There were so many options, and competition between cell phone manufacturers was steep.

We always love a good throwback, so MTV News staffers decided to reflect upon their memories of the cell phones they absolutely HAD TO HAVE back in the day. Remember these gems?

  1. T-Mobile Sidekick

    "I desperately wanted a T-Mobile Sidekick 3 after seeing Veronica Mars use it. I had been the nerdy kid with a PalmPilot organizer and thought the Sidekick was the perfect combination of cool and useful. Also the screen did that cool flippy thing and it had a trackball. When I graduated college, I got myself my first solo cell contract and a Sidekick. Sadly it was run over by a bus shortly after that. Still, it was awesome while it lasted." -- Christina Beale

    "Sidekicks were THE BEST." -- Stacey Sommer

    "I always wanted a Sidekick. A girl at my school had one and I thought they were the coolest thing I'd ever seen. I begged my parents for one, but the expensive data plan that came with them killed my chances of getting one, so I stuck to my baby blue Nokia 3310." -- Brittney McKenna

  2. Motorola RAZR

    "I loved the RAZR. Even the name was cool. Man, looking back, that phone wasn't that great. But I loved it." -- Andres Tardio

  3. Motorola KRZR

    "I always really, really wanted a KRZR, because all my friends had RAZRs and I wanted to be 'different.' Then I got it and it was literally the worst phone ever. It crashed whenever I tried to do anything! But it definitely looked cool, which is all that matters." -- Julia Bianco

  4. LG enV

    "I really wanted an orange enV in middle school. Two of my best friends had them, and I was still carrying around this indestructible free phone Cingular (remember them?) sent to my mom. I begged and begged, but my mom was not going to be convinced; it was hard enough convincing her to get me an actual cell phone. Finally, at the end of 7th grade, my mom and dad got me a hot pink RAZR -- the enV was Verizon and my parents weren't switching -- and allowed me to have texting, which was huge. Though I didn't get the enV, I was glad my parents didn't switch to Verizon, because never forget that AT&T got the iPhone first. Plus, I had a pink phone, which was infinitely cooler than an orange phone." -- Madison Jones

  5. Blackberry Curve

    "My parents #blessed me with a BlackBerry Curve in high school on one condition: I wasn't allowed to use the internet. This was NBD because it's not like my teenage self cared about boring, practical things like email access anyway. It was my first phone with a QWERTY keyboard, so I became super fast at texting. My friends and I also did this weird thing where we'd name our tech devices. My friend named her now-deceased 5th generation iPod classic Herbert. I named my red BlackBerry Edward -- as in Edward from 'Twilight' -- because the colors black and red reminded me of blood-drinking, lovestruck vampires. I'm cringing just thinking about it." -- Deepa Lakshmin

  6. Motorola flip phone

    "I LOVED my Motorola flip phone. I remember being super amped about getting it because it was smaller than the big Nokia block AND had a circular window on the front. For a 13-year old, it was the epitome of chic and compact. I begrudgingly traded it in for a BlackBerry when I left for college, but it's had a second (and third) life -- whenever my brother's phone breaks he uses it as a temporary replacement." -- Lizzy Landau

  7. Samsung UpStage

    "I was obsessed with how sleek this phone looked and it could even play music, too! It was basically a hybrid phone/mp3 player, which was revolutionary for my middle school self. Sadly it wasn't meant to be. The UpStage was only available on Sprint, and my parents were all about Cingular." -- Deepa Lakshmin

  8. LG Voyager

    "The LG Voyager was my dream phone. It was the best of two worlds in one phone! You could have it closed and use the touch screen OR you could open it up and use it as a tiny laptop to send off all of your text messages. I, obviously, had to have it, so I did. I kept it for as long as I could before it began to malfunction and if I had the option now, I'd totally trade in my current phone for that old dreamboat." -- Heidi Huerta

  9. LG Chocolate

    "I never had the Chocolate but wanted it solely because of the name. That's it." -- Deepa Lakshmin

What cell phone did you lust after? Let us know in the comments! And if your parents didn't give in to your subtle hints and/or desperate begging, maybe blame it on the fact that 'rents are sometimes clueless when it comes to technology:

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Old T Mobile Slide Phones


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