
What Is The Color Of May

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Birth Colors

Language of birthday colors

You can learn a lot about a person from their birthday! Every birthday has its own color, which gives clues about a person's true personality

Birthday Color is a unique aspect of Colorstrology.

Birthday Colors - Birth Colors

In this partnership with Pantone, Inc a unique color palette was designed for every month and every date within the month. These palettes are designed to help you understand your personality and "numerological" significance for your special date. Every month and date has a unique color just as every person is unique.

Discover vibrant aspect of your personality with Colorstrology, a fascinating blend of astrology, numerology, and color theory that offers exciting new insights about our lives and relationships. Using Colorstrology, you'll quickly understand how to enhance your best personality traits with your birthday color.

The "Color of Life"follows the progression of the seasons, showing what colors they're associated with and what qualities they bring to life. Whether you're picking inspiring colors for the objects in your living space, seeking crystals for healing, or just trying to understand more about the influence different colors have on your mind, this chart (below) can help you discover the color you were born to.

Choose Your Birthday Color

Birth Date

Your Birth Color

December 23rd - 1st January Birthday Color - Red - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color Red
January 2nd - 11th January Birthday Color - Orange - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Orange
January 12th - 24th January Birthday Color - Yellow - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color Yellow
January 25th - 3rd February Birthday Color - Pink - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Pink
February 4th - 8th February Birthday Color - Blue - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Blue
February 9th - 18th February Birthday Color - Green - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Green
February 19th - 28th February Birthday Color - Brown - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Brown
March 1st - 10th March Birthday Color - Aqua - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color Aqua
March 11th - 20th March Birthday Color - Lime - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Lime
March 21st
Birthday Color - Black - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Black
March 22nd - 31st March Birthday Color - Purple - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Purple
April 1st - 10th April Birthday Color - Navy - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Navy
April 11th - 20th April Birthday Color - Silver - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Silver
April 21th - 30th April Birthday Color - White - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  White
May 1st - 14th May Birthday Color - Blue - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Blue
May 15th - 24th May Birthday Color - Gold - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Gold
May 25th - 3rd June Birthday Color - Cream - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Cream
June 4th - 13th June Birthday Color - Grey - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Grey
June 14th - 23rd June Birthday Color - Maroon - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Maroon
June 24th
Birthday Color - Grey - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Grey
June 25th - 4th July Birthday Color - Red - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Red
July 5th - 14th July Birthday Color - Orange - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Orange
July 15th - 25th July Birthday Color - Yellow - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Yellow
July 26th - 4th August Birthday Color - Pink - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Pink
August 5th - 13th August Birthday Color - Blue - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Blue
August 14th - 23rd August Birthday Color - Green - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Green
August 24th - 2nd September Birthday Color - Brown - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Brown
August 3rd - 12th September Birthday Color - Aqua - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Aqua
September 13th - 22nd September Birthday Color - Lime - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Lime
September 23rd
Birthday Color - Olive - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Olive
September 24th - 3rd October Birthday Color - Purple - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Purple
October 4th - 13th October Birthday Color - Navy - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Navy
October 14th - 23rd October Birthday Color - Silver - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Silver
October 24th - 11th November Birthday Color - White - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  White
November 12th - 21st November Birthday Color - Gold - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Gold
November 22nd - 1st December Birthday Color - Cream - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Cream
December 2nd - 11th December Birthday Color - Grey - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Grey
December 12th - 21st December Birthday Color - Maroon - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Maroon
December 22nd
Birthday Color - Teal - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color  Teal



Astrology is a group of systems, traditions, and beliefs which hold that the relative positions of celestial bodies and related details can provide information about personality, human affairs and other "earthly" matters.

What Is The Color Of May


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