
How To Make Money With Your Dslr Camera

You've cutting your teeth and paid your dues to earn your title as a professional person photographer, but doing photo shoots alone is leaving money on the table. Your bills are covered, but what nigh earning a piddling actress on the side?

Y'all've already tried rescuing your old clients, and yous know you lot've got a portfolio filled with killer shots. Merely where'southward that extra profit? Allow us show yous some alternating means to earn boosted income equally a photographer with little-to-no up-front costs.

With but a few steps outside of the box, y'all could easily earn additional income as a photographer. You yourself know that there is more than to being a photographer than merely indicate and click. And in the historic period of the digital nomad, you have more resources and passive income making opportunities available to yous than e'er before.

In that location are always opportunities to make more money with photography, and in this commodity, we'll dig into some of the lowest-hanging fruit. Let'south go to it:

Ways to Make Money with Photography in 2021

1. Sell your presets on FilterGrade

sell presets on FilterGrade

You've spent years honing your manner and edifice a library of readymade filters – why non turn a profit from them too?

A neat manner to make coin online as a photographer is to sell your Lightroom presets and Photoshop deportment on sites similar FilterGrade. Read more about selling here.

Selling your preset filters will non simply requite yous exposure just pay you dorsum for all that time you've spent perfecting the editing process.

And don't worry about others "stealing your style". Imitation is the highest class of flattery, and similar many self-fabricated artists, having a tried and truthful starting point can exist a real confidence booster. So why not share your creative styles with your audience who may be seeking inspiration, or someone looking to streamline their editing procedure.

Afterwards all, a filter lonely doesn't make the photograph, right?

two. Sell stock photos

sell stock photos iStock

We know you lot've heard this earlier, and probably fifty-fifty thought it to yourself. Just we'd be silly to miss this off the listing.

Selling stock photos tin can be a fantastic style of earning passive income as a photographer. We've written about it earlier.

Stock photo websites are like a virtual farmer'southward market place for photographers. In curt, y'all register with sites similar DepositPhotos, iStock, and ShutterStock to proper noun a few, upload your photos for review, and receive a commission every time your photograph is downloaded.

Unlike sites policies, licenses and cost per download vary, so be sure to read the fine print and practise your enquiry earlier committing. But like setting upward a berth to sell your wares, the more than stock you have, the more probable yous are to gain traffic.

Make sure that you have a size-able amount of images and your content is up to date. The quality of your photos should be plenty to stand out in a sea of stock images likewise every bit fit in with what'south trending.

It'due south easier said than done, but you never know until you give it a try!

3. Showtime a photo booth business

start a photo booth business

Call back going to the mall every bit a kid and paying a couple of dollars to sit down in a booth and snap dizzy photos of you and your bestie? A strip of photos would impress out and you would tape them up in your locker?

Well, the photograph booth business is back and it is booming, but it doesn't quite look similar what it used to. Instead, savvy business people are setting up mobile photo booths at a wide range of events and charging the organizers a pretty penny for their presence.

Right now people are willing to shell out the large bucks to share memories of their special days with family and friends; from weddings & birthdays to sports games & corporate events. As a photographer with the necessary equipment, you tin can profit from this nostalgia.

If y'all already own a DSLR camera, y'all needn't buy a custom-congenital photo booth. Instead, you can use off-the-shelf software like DSLRBooth, pair information technology with some DIY photo booth templates from sites similar TemplatesBooth, and you're ready to start "boothing".

With the know-how and equipment you lot can make upwards of $1,000 per event for running a photo booth business. Seriously!

And typically, information technology'due south a lot easier than standard event photography equally in that location's no requirement for an editing procedure.

4. Charter your studio space

lease studio space

This is probably one of the easiest ways of earning an extra income as a photographer. If you've got your own studio space and travel a lot for work, or possibly find yourself with big chunks of unbooked studio fourth dimension, consider leasing your infinite to other local photographers.

If you suddenly decide to take off to travel for a calendar month or so, you lot can sublet your space to help pay the hire with no upfront costs.

Maybe you fall in love with a new country and make up one's mind to extend your stay. Renting your space out tin fund your travels for longer.

Information technology is besides a good thought to check local listing websites to see if any students out there demand the infinite for a projection. As long as you aren't using your space, why not permit someone else take the space and you lot get paid for the privilege?

5. Host photography classes

teach and host photography classes for groups

Hosting photography classes and workshops is non only a groovy way to share your skills with others, just it's also a peachy way to earn additional photography-based income..

Offering a beginners course for people wanting to learn the workings of a camera is easy for you to host and tin can be fairly priced at $fifty-$100 per person.

You may fifty-fifty observe that someone is willing to pay you for private lessons, which can go much higher.

When an amateur enthusiast has just spent $500-$1,000 on camera equipment, paying an additional $100 for professional lessons makes financial sense.

You tin can host workshops on any aspect of photography – from camera nuts to editing, styling, and more.

One time you've built a network of students, your classes will go easier to volume and word volition surely spread. Y'all tin can too start to charge more for sectional training and workshops with limited availability.

6. Take on freelance work for sites like AirBnb

airbnb real estate photography

I was surprised recently when a photographer told me he paid for his travels with freelance AirBnb gigs.

It turns out that AirBnb is always hiring professional photographers to shoot their most popular rentals on behalf of their clients. By providing professional person photos to homeowners, it helps heave bookings and price, and then both parties win.

Every bit a photographer, it'due south also a groovy way to make that side-hustle money.

Check & apply for freelance AirBnb gigs here. At time of publication, Airbnb is offering 208 openings in 57 countries!

Equally a market listing lensman with AirBnb you lot need to see a few requirements to become assigned properties within thirty miles of your dwelling location. All you have to practice is submit a test shoot to AirBnb and take a professional-course DSLR/Mirrorless photographic camera with Total-frame or APS-C sensor & resolution of at least 16mp.

They practice enquire for a few more things, merely that is all listed on their website when you employ. You could likewise consider advertising to local existent estate agencies to have listing photos of properties.

Related:All-time Total Frame Lenses for Real Estate Photography

7. Shoot local sports events

local sports photography

I recently took part in a one-half-marathon and noticed a local lensman at the finish line. He was selling finish-line pictures for $10 each.

In a unmarried Sun afternoon, he sold hundreds of photos to runners who finished the race.

You could be that guy at the terminate line.

Don't be afraid to get in touch with local schools or community centers who host sporting events. Homecoming parades, football game games and field days are always events parents will line up around the block for photos of their family.

Offering your services at local events similar these save the families attention the worry of getting the perfect shot. They can come up and give their full attention to the game. You can offer a professional person quality momentum for them to take home and bask in plow spreading the word near your photography business.

If you can't offer prints on the spot, you tin can e'er edit them at abode later and mail service in local facebook groups with watermarks on your shots.

8. Upload your images to gratis photograph sites

upload photos to free stock sites

This is similar to uploading to premium stock photo sites, except this fourth dimension you don't get paid per download – yous give your photos for complimentary.

I know this sounds crazy, simply behave with me a moment…

On gratuitous photo sites like Pexels and Pixabay, at that place's a large donate button side by side to your photos and yous might exist surprised merely how many people click it.

While this is not the most reliable way to earn income information technology doesn't hurt to give it a become, especially if you have a difficult bulldoze full of unused photos, or your images have been rejected from the premium stock photo sites.

Friends of mine who upload to gratis stock photograph sites have told me ranging stories of donation numbers. Some walk away with a fleck of beer coin if they're lucky, whilst others consistently earn a few hundred bucks or more.

As it happens, at that place'south a lot of good people out there who do value the piece of work of u.s.a. creative folk, but if cypher else, uploading to these sites at least gains us exposure, feel, and tin lead to traffic back to your site and social media accounts.

Some other corking sites to share free photos/videos are:


  • Unsplash

  • BarnImages

  • Foodies Feed

Related:ISO Republic At present Has Gratuitous Stock Videos

ix. Sell your photos via impress-on-demand

sell prints on demand

If y'all experience your photos are quality plenty to be hung on someone's living room wall, so why not sell your photos as fine art on sites similar ImageKind?

All yous need practice is upload your images, and ImageKind does the remainder. Potential customers store around, and when they've called a photo they like, ImageKind prints and frames it. Yous needn't lift a finger.

Once you are set up y'all can organize your images into themed galleries. You tin can tag your piece of work and categorize it for higher ranking in searches. You lot can even use your customized ImageKind URL to annunciate your work on your personal weblog or website.

10. Create an online grade

create an online course to sell

If at that place is something to exist learned, chances are you can learn it on the cyberspace.

Sites similar Udemy, Skillshare, and Teachable take virtual learning to a whole new level. At present anyone can learn creative skills and so much more from professionals around the world.

Psst: Sean Dalton has some amazing classes on Skillshare, we recommend checking them out if you're looking to larn about topics like: Growing/Monetizing Your Instagram, Smartphone Photography, and more!

And but so: professionals like you can create courses to teach students around the world.

So, just like creating a form or workshop in your local community, yous tin can at present expand to a broader online market place. With virtual learning sites, you sign up to share your skills via a video course. Equally a pro lensman, shooting high-quality video productions should be no problem at all!

Creating an online photography course is a great way to earn some passive income as a photographer, particularly if you lot love sharing your cognition and skills with others.

11. Host a Photograph Walk

host a photo walk

Photo walks are organized group walking tours for photography enthusiasts, typically hosted past a photographer with noesis of the local area.

Photowalking hosts guide groups around the best local areas for capturing good photos.

Every bit a professional photographer, you probably know excellent spots in your local area to capture beautiful photos – and every bit photo walks are growing in popularity, this could offering an opportunity to make additional income.

Yet, similar to gratuitous guided walking tours in tourist destinations, hosts typically don't charge a fee for the tour but instead receives donations and tips at the end.

So if yous're going to exist out taking photos on a Sunday afternoon anyway, why not offer to accept other photographers along with you?


Special thank you to Adam McIntyre for this commodity! Follow Adam on Twitter and Instagram.

Read more about growing your photography/creative business organisation.

  1. How to Offset Earning Money as a Lensman

  2. 6 Tips to Abound Your Make with Instagram

  3. How to Brand Money Livestreaming

  4. How to Abound Your Customer Base of operations with Instagram

  5. How to Grow Your Audience on YouTube


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